Drugstore Liquid Lipsticks, Part 2: Wet n Wild Liquid Catsuit Lipsticks in Nudist Peach and Missy and Fierce

I never paid much attention to Wet n Wild until recently. They've truly stepped up their game in the past couple of years, and perhaps the best evidence for that is their new line of "Liquid Catsuit" lipsticks ($4.99 each). By the time Wet n Wild got around to creating liquid matte lipsticks, every sane variation on the phrase "liquid matte" had already been taken, but I appreciate their creativity and their commitment: there's even a sexy lady in a catsuit on the tubes. Personally, though, I think of catsuits as shiny instead of matte. Am I wrong? The word "catsuit" makes me imagine a Bond girl from the Age of Aquarius, clad in gold lame or black patent leather. Regardless, kudos to Wet n Wild for coming up with a cute and memorable, and only slightly objectifying, name. There are 13 Liquid Catsuit shades, most of them pretty basic: you've got your beige nude, peach, cool red, warm red, fuchsia, etc. I picked up two shades at my local Rite Ai...