AB Goes to Toronto (What I'm Bringing + What Should I Do/Buy?)
How's that for a convoluted title? Anyway, I'm going to Toronto for the first time at the end of this week! I'll be presenting at a conference and will be in the city for a mere 48 hours, so I won't have much time for sightseeing (though I have a couple of meals planned with friends who have ended up there over the years). However, I know I have a few Canadian readers, and I'd love some advice on what to do in Toronto--I'll be staying downtown in the theatre district, but I might have time to go elsewhere. What I'll almost certainly have a chance to do, however, is duck into a drugstore and look at all the Canadian makeup, so let me know if you have any recommendations! I'm planning to check out the Joe Fresh lipsticks, and I've heard good things about Annabelle and Lise Watier makeup as well. Overall, though, I'm pretty ignorant about Canadian brands. Please enlighten me! What is not to be missed? What should I skip entirely? Also, since I usual...