The Summer Lovin' Tag

Hello from South Florida! I took this photo yesterday evening, toward the end of a thunderstorm. It's hard to adhere to a regular blogging schedule when your location changes every few days, but I couldn't resist doing this meme from Liz at Beauty Reductionista . 1. Summer lipstick you're loving? I've been enjoying sheer and semi-sheer reds, both cool and warm. And on days when I just can't be bothered with color makeup, I reach for my favorite (and recently repurchased!) MLBB. Left to right: Maybelline Vibrant Mandarin, Revlon Lip Butter in Candy Apple, NARS Flamenco, and NARS Dolce Vita. Swatched in the same order: 2. Summer nail polish you're loving? All Essie, as it happens! For my fingers, Lollipop (cherry-red jelly) and Fashion Playground (mint green with faint silver shimmer); for my toes, In the Cab-ana (swimming-pool blue). 3. Summer blush you're loving? Illamasqua cream blush in Zygomatic (I'm sure you knew I'd say that). I can't remem...