YouTube Made Me Buy It: Wet n Wild Megaglo Highlighter in Precious Petals

Earlier this year, as I sat watching a YouTube makeup video — a review of some gimmicky product, maybe Farsali Unicorn Oil or Ciaté Glitter Flip lipsticks — my boyfriend walked past and wondered, "Do you actually buy anything you see on YouTube?" With some pride, I said no. I'm generally immune to YouTube hype, since most influencers gravitate toward products and looks that aren't even close to my style. I use their reviews and tutorials as a brain break, a 15-minute period during which I don't have to think about my dissertation defense (Dec. 7, bitches!) or Trump or Harvey Weinstein or whether I'll have a source of income next semester. But let me not be too smug. Watching consumerist videos for fun means participating in consumerism. It means that I come home from a day of passively absorbing the advertising that we all encounter as we move through the world, and I voluntarily expose myself to yet more advertising. And, inevitably, some of those messages w...