Dolce Vita Dupe: Revlon Super Lustrous Sheer Lipstick in Pink Truffle

During my trip to LA in August, my chronic absent-mindedness struck again: I managed to lose my tube of NARS Dolce Vita, my trusty "purse lipstick." Despite my usual preference for bold matte or semi-matte lipsticks, I like having a sheer MLBB on me at all times, in case I don't have a chance to reapply MAC Antique Velvet after lunch or whatever. I waited a couple of months to see if Dolce Vita would turn up, but when it became clear that it was gone for good, I ran into another problem: I couldn't exactly afford to replace a $28 lipstick. Damn it. I've discussed why I don't usually bother hunting for dupes, but this was one of the few situations in which it seemed justified. I didn't really care whether my new sheer MLBB was identical to Dolce Vita; I just wanted a flattering, comfortable neutral shade that I could apply in a few seconds. I recalled that Revlon, after discontinuing all of its lip butters, had released a few of the more popular lip butte...