FOTD: Autumn Leaves
October has always been my favorite month. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, my love of seasonal makeup has a lot to do with my upbringing. My parents and I lived in Boston until I was seven, when we moved to San Francisco. I spent the next ten years pining for "real seasons," especially fall, and I'll never forget the childlike joy of catching falling leaves during my first semester of college back in Massachusetts. I'm given to understand that appreciating the glory of fall is now a symptom of basic bitchery, I suppose because it's not a rarefied pleasure available to a select few. This article (since when does Buzzfeed quote Bourdieu?) notes the classism inherent in the "basic bitch" insult. I don't agree with all of the writer's points, but it's worth a read. In any case, I refuse to be ashamed of my autumnal raptures. Where I live now, there are about six weeks per year when it's actually pleasant to be outside, and October...