How to Apply American Apparel Glitter Nail Polish in Daisy Field

1. Spend several days wondering whether 27 is too old to wear a topcoat containing holographic microglitter and large pastel daisy-shaped glitter. Entertain paranoid visions of one of your advisors running into you in the department office, noticing your daisy-covered nails, and immediately losing all respect for you. 2. Decide that 27 is not too old, provided you layer Daisy Field over a neutral color. Choose Essie Marshmallow, which you haven't worn in well over a year. 3. Remember why you haven't worn Marshmallow in well over a year: because it still looks streaky after three coats and it takes forever to dry. %$@#@%#$!!!11! 4. 24 hours later, all three coats of Marshmallow are fully dry. Now for the fun part: adding the daisies. 5. Notice that the daisies are pink, yellow, and white, not pink, yellow, and orange, as you initially thought. This means that the white daisies won't even show up against the Marshmallow backdrop. ^%$&*!!1! How could you have taken so many...