Convicted of Purgery

Convicted, rather, of truly painful punning. Sometimes I just can't help it. Welcome to my very first purge post! It will probably also be my last in a while, since it saddens me so much to throw anything out. I'm both a sentimental hoarder and an incorrigible cheapskate--a deadly combination where makeup collecting is concerned. But after I came home from England last week, I embarked on a massive apartment-cleaning project, in the course of which I managed to fill a bag with makeup I should have thrown out long ago... The condemned, in more or less chronological order: 1. Revlon Nail Polish in Silver Screen Date of purchase: 2009 or 2010 Crime: I haven't used Silver Screen in about four years, though it was the first nail polish I really coveted, which gives it a special place in my heart. Throughout college, the idea of wearing nail polish made me uncomfortable. I didn't want to seem frivolous or childish (I was a Serious Intellectual, dontchaknow), and I also had ...